Sunday, January 3, 2016

Let's Go Ahead

Me:  *holding Charlotte in the rocker at bedtime*

Molly:  *throwing a ridiculous fit in the top bunk*

Me:  One. If you keep throwing that fit and I get to three, you'll get no computer time tomorrow. You have the choice to stop now and keep your computer time. 

Molly:  *continuing the fit*

Me:  Two. If you don't stop throwing a fit, you're choosing to not have computer time tomorrow. 

Molly:  *continuing the fit, but quieter*

Me:  I've already said "two." If you don't stop now, you're making the choice to have no computer time tomorrow.

Charlotte:  *whispering to me* Let's go ahead and say "three."

(January 3, 2016)

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