Saturday, December 31, 2011

An End-of-Year Interview with Molly Grace -- 2011

Me:  How old are you?
Molly:  Ummmm ... *holds up three fingers*  three!

Me:  Who are your best friends?
Molly:  Butterflies.

Me:  What do you like about going to Ms. Heather's?
Molly:  'Cause Mr. Shane is in the houses.  And I just play Barbies.

Me:  What do you like to do with Daddy?
Molly:  Watch football.

Me:  What do you like to do with Mommy?
Molly:  Watch the 'puter.

Me:  What do you like to do with Charlotte?
Molly:  Play the horse.

Me:  Where do you want to go on vacation?
Molly:  Miss Heather's for vacation.

Me:  What are some of your wishes for 2012?
Molly:  A star.

Me:  What is your favorite vegetable?
Molly:  Fruit!  Ummm, apple.

Me:  What is your favorite fruit?
Molly:  Apple!  I said apple.  Banana and apple.  Um, banana.

Me:  What is your favorite food?
Molly:  Rice.

Me:  What is your favorite drink?
Molly:  Juice.

Me:  What is your favorite toy?
Molly:  Little People.

Me:  What is your favorite tv show?
Molly:  Diego.

Me:  What is your favorite game?
Molly:  Angry Birds.

Me:  What is your favorite book?
Molly:  Little Miss Naughty!

Me:  What is your favorite restaurant?
Molly:  Rice.

Me:  What is you favorite holiday?
Molly:  Halloween holiday.

Me:  What is your favorite animal?
Molly:  A horse.

Me:  What is your favorite color?
Molly:  Ummmmmmmm ... blue.

(December 31, 2011-January 1, 2012)

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Molly: *Listening to Ke$ha on the radio.* What's this song?
Me: This is called "Crap."
Molly: Oh, "Crap." *Continues dancing.*

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Talk to Me

Molly:  *Returns from putting a dirty plate and fork in the sink for me.*
Me:  Thank you.
Molly:  Mommy, talk to me.  Talk to me about the plate and the fork.
Me:  *Laughs.*  What?
Molly:  Talk to me about the plate and the fork.  *A little quieter, almost whispering.*  Say, "Good job."

(December 17, 2011)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Barbie House

Molly:  *Finding some extra pieces from her new Barbie Dream House that Butch had placed on the kitchen counter.*  What are these pieces?
Butch:  Those are just extra pieces.  You don't need them.  Leave them there.
Molly:  No, I need them!
Me:  Molly, they're just trash pieces; you don't need them.
Molly:  No, I do need them!
Butch:  Well, they're not really trash pieces.  *Letting Molly have them.*
Me:  Then what are they?
Butch:  They're just pieces that I couldn't figure out where they go.
Molly:  *Walking away with the pieces.*  They go in the Barbie house!
Butch:  I just got owned.

(December 19, 2011)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Or I Could Have ...

Butch:  You want some bologna?
Molly:  Or I could have cupcake.

(December 8, 2011)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can You Leave Now?

Molly:  Can I have the iPad?
Butch:  Not right now.  You get to play with the iPad when I leave.
Molly:  Can you leave now?

(December 4, 2011)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Me:  So, tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  It's a day when we appreciate the things we're thankful for.  And we are thankful for the things we love.
Molly:  Like family?!
Me:  Yes, exactly like family.  So what are you thankful for?
Molly:  Family!
Me:  Awww, that's very sweet.  That's a great thing to be thankful for.  Are you thankful for anything else?
Molly:  *Thinks for a moment.*  Cinderella!

(November 23, 2011)

Your Dog

Molly:  *Upon hearing Poker (the dog) barking repeatedly in another room.*  POKER!
Poker:  *Continues to bark.*
Molly:  *Looks at Butch.*  Your dog is dumb.

(November 23, 2011)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Can Daddy Do?

Me: Are you gonna sing?
Molly: No, I just gonna dance.
Me: *Starts singing along to the radio.*
Molly: No, you not sing, Mommy.
Me: *Starts dancing.*
Molly: No, you don't dance.
Butch: Can I dance?
Molly: No!
Butch: *Starts dancing.*
Molly: No, you no dance!
Butch: Well, what can Daddy do?
Molly: You can just stop it.

(November 10, 2011)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Me:  *Watching Molly "write" her letter to Santa.*  So, what does your letter to Santa say?  What do you ant him to bring you?
Molly:  Tinkerbell.
Me:  Oooooh, Tinkerbell.  Does it say anything else?
Molly:  Yes.
Me:  What else does it say?
Molly:  Tinkerbell.
Me:  All right.  And what else?
Molly:  Tinkerbell.

(November 9, 2011)

Beautiful Like Aunt Erica

Molly:  *As we were driving to my sister's house after dinner.*  Ooooh, look at the stars!
Me:  Uh-huh?  You see lots of stars?
Molly:  Mmm-hmmm.  They so beautiful.  The stars so beautiful ... just like Aunt Erica!

(November 4, 2011)

Monday, October 31, 2011


Molly: *Seeing some kids waving to her.*. Look! Look they're hi-ing me!

(October 31, 2011)

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Butch:  Molly, are you hungry?
Molly:  No.
Me:  Molly, are you hungry?
Molly:  Yes.
Me:   Do you know what hungry means?
Molly:  Cookies.

(October 22, 2011)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bigger Monkey

Me:  What should Daddy be for Halloween?
Molly:  Hmmm ... a bigger monkey!

(Molly has chosen to be a monkey for Halloween this year.)

(October 19, 2011)

Probably Shouldn't

Butch:  Molly, are you poopie?
Molly:  Nooooooo.
Butch:  Come here and let me check.
Molly:  *Running away* I probably shouldn't!

(October 20, 2011)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Princess and The Monkey

Molly:  What am I?
Me:  Are you a princess?
Molly:  Yes!
Me:  Am I a princess?
Molly:  Nooooo, you're the mommy!
Me:  Ooooh, ok.  What about Charlotte?  Is she a princess?
Molly:  Nooooo, she has to be the monkey!

(October 15, 2011)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'll Try

Molly:  *After watching as I got out some papers to grade on the ride home.*  Don't read.
Me:  What?
Molly:  Don't read.  You don't read.
Me:  Why?
Molly:  You have to listen to me?
Me:  *Laughing.*  I do?  Can't I do both?
Molly:  *Sounding skeptical.*  I'll try ...

(October 12, 2011)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

And That's Me

Molly:  There's only one Molly.  There's only one Molly, and that's me!

(October 8, 2011)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Night Night, Too

Me:  I love you.
Molly:  I love you, too.
Me:  Night night.
Molly:  Night night, too.

(October 6, 2011)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Too Big ... Too Little ... Just Right

Molly:  *Pointing at something she wanted from the floor.*  You get it.  Right there.
Me:  I don't see it.  You know where it is, so you get it.
Molly:  No, I too big.
Me:  No, you're not.
Molly:  I too little?
Me:  Nope, not that either.
Molly:  What am I?
Me:  Just right.

(October 4, 2011)

Monday, October 3, 2011

'Scuse Me

Me:  *Sniffing the air in the car.*  Did one of you two just poop?
Molly:  No.  No, I just fart.  *Pause.*  'Scuse me.

(October 3, 2011)

My Chelsea

Molly:  Where the people?
Me:  They had to go home.
Molly:  Oh.  They had to go home to their mommy and daddy?
Me:  Yes.
Molly:  Where my Chelsea?
Me:  She had to go home to her mommy and daddy, too.
Molly:  Oh.  Yes.  I miss her really.

(October 3, 2011)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Best Friend

Me:  *After we had been talking about her various friends for a few minutes.*  What about Charlotte?  Is Charlotte your friend?
Molly:  Yes.
Me:  She's your sister and your friend?
Molly:  Yes.
Me:  That's good.  You know Aunt Erica?  Well, she's my sister and my friend.
Molly:  Oh, my Erica.  My Erica is my best friend.

(September 21, 2011)

Counting Higher

Me:  How many eggs do you want?
Molly:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Me:  *Laughing.*  You want 10 eggs?
Molly:  Yes.
Me:  *Still laughing.*  Ok, sure.  Can you count higher?
Molly:  *Raising her hands over her head.*  1, 2, 3 ...

(September 21, 2011)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Build Me a Castle

Molly:  *After putting on her princess dress.*  Daddy, can you build me a castle?  Daddy, build me a castle?

(September 18, 2011)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Molly:  *Watching as Butch puts some cash into his wallet.*  I want a dollar.  Daddy, can I have a dollar?!  Daddy, give me a dollar, please!

(September 17, 2011)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sure You Can

Butch:  *Walking through the zoo.*  Baby, I can't carry you the whole time.
Molly:  Sure you can.

(September 10, 2011)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Me:  Molly, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Molly:  Tinkerbell.

(September 4, 2011)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Call

Molly:  *Walking funny.*  I hurt.
Me:  What's wrong?
Molly:  I poopie.  *Walking past me.*
Me:  Where you goin'?
Molly:  Daddy.
Me:  Good call.

Vitamins vs. Cookies

Molly:  What ya doin'?
Me:  Taking my vitamins.
Molly:  Oh.  I take my cookies.

(August 28, 2011)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kloey's Dad

Me:  Did you have fun with Aiden today?
Molly:  Yeah.
Me:  Do you like Aiden?
Molly:  I like Braxton.
Me:  Did you have fun with Kloey today?
Molly:  Yeah.
Me:  Do you like Kloey?
Molly:  I like Kloey's dad!

(Aiden and Kloey are kids at the babysitter.  Braxton is the babysitter's dog.  Kloey's dad is a former student of ours.)

(August 23, 2011)

Friday, August 19, 2011

That's a Great Story

Butch:  *Looking over a new teaching book he brought home.  With mock excitement.*  Look!  It's a rubric!
Molly:  Wow!  That's a great story.

(August 19, 2011)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yes It Was

Molly:  *Upon learning that one of Charlotte's toys was broken and couldn't be fixed with new batteries.*  God damn!
Me:  *Giving Butch the this-is-all-your-fault look.*
Butch:  What?  That wasn't that.
Molly:  Yes it was!

(August 17, 2011)


Molly:  I wanna jump up high.  I wanna do 1-2-5 jump.
Butch:  You mean 1-2-3, right?
Molly:  No, I don't wanna do 1-2-3.  I wanna do 1-2-5.

(August 17, 2011)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do It Again!

Molly:  Do it again!  *Rough-housing with Butch.*
Butch:  I'm going to pull your arms out of socket.
Molly:  Okay!

(August 14, 2011)

Not Afraid of You

Me:  *After listening to Molly's claims that she is "scared of" everything from ghosts to the tiger on Charlotte's jumperoo.*  Molly, are you scared of Mommy?
Molly:  *Giggling and speaking in a tone that conveys this is the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard.*  Noooooo.  I not afraid of YOU!

(August 12, 2011)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Aw Dear

Molly:  *After the power went out just long enough to reset the internet connection and thus the Netflix-streaming Diego episode she was watching.*  Aw, goddamn!  *Pause.*  Aw, goddamn!
Me:  Molly, I know Daddy says that sometimes, but we really shouldn't say it, ok?
Molly:  *Quiet for a second.*  Aw, dear!

(August 12, 2011)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Not Exactly

Me:  "Sniffing the air."  Molly, are you poopie?
Molly:  Noooooooo.
Me:  Really?  Are you poopie?
Molly:  Well ... not exactly ...

(It turns out she wasn't.)

(August 10, 2011)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Favorite Erica

Me:  *Pointing to a very old picture of my sister."  Who's this?
Molly:  Ummmmmm ... *Clearly has no idea.*
Me:  That's Aunt Erica.
Molly:  Oooooh!  That's my Erica!  That's my favorite Erica!

(August 4, 2011)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Na Na Na Na

Molly:  *Singing while Butch ices the chocolate cake he just made*  Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, I want cake!  Na na na na, cake cake cake cake, cake cake cake, cake cake cake cake!

(August 7, 2011)

Friday, August 5, 2011


Molly:  *Walks into the room after being instructed to tell her daddy that she needs her Pull-Up changed.  Immediately gets distracted by a picture of Curious George on the computer screen.*  Look!  It's George!
Butch:  Are you supposed to tell me something?
Molly:  *Pats her booty with one hand.*  Poopie.

(August 5, 2011)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How About

Molly:  I want a special cookie!
Me:  You have to eat something else before you can have a cookie.
Molly:  I want a cookie!
Me:  Ok, you can have a cookie, but you have to eat something else first.  You want popcorn?  Rice?
Molly:  How about a cookie?

(August 4, 2011)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Angry Birds

Molly:  *Upon hearing two notes of the Angry Birds game starting up.*  I wanna play Birds!  *Runs across the room to where Butch has the iPad.*

(August 3, 2011)

Monday, July 25, 2011

My People

Molly:  *Upon noticing that all the marching band kids had gone home.*  Where my people?

(July 25, 2011)

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Butch:  It's time to go bedtime.
Molly:  Noooo.  I need to stay here and play with toys.

(July 23, 2011)


Molly:  *As the water is draining from the tub.*  I wanna take a bath!
Me:  You just took one.
Molly:  I wanna do it again!

(July 23, 2011)

Farted Your Booty

Me: Molly, are you poopy?
Molly: Noooooooo.
Butch: I did just fart.
Molly: You farted your booty, Daddy? You farted your booty?

(May 26, 2011)

He Hit Me

Molly: He hit me.
Me: Who hit you?
Molly: Daddy. He hit me.
Me: No, Daddy spanked you because you were making bad choices and you wouldn't listen to him.
Molly: Oh.

(June 12, 2011)

He Hit Me

Molly: He hit me.
Me: Who hit you?
Molly: Daddy. He hit me.
Me: No, Daddy spanked you because you were making bad choices and you wouldn't listen to him.
Molly: Oh.

(June 12, 2011)

Just Baby Charlotte

Molly:  *In reference to Charlotte.*  Look at him.
Me:  "Her."  She's a girl, so we say, "her."
Molly:  No.  She not a girl.  She just Baby Charlotte.

(June 15, 2011)

Baby Skunk

Molly: Look! It's a baby skunk! It's a baby skunk! Mommy! Daddy! Loooooook! IT'S A BABY SKUNK! IT'S A BABY SKUNK! Look!

Butch: *Looks.* That's a squirrel.

Molly: It's a squirrel! Look! It's a baby squirrel! Look! Loooooook! It's a baby squirrel! What's he doin' now? What's he doin' now? He's runnin'! Look! He's runnin'! Look! Look at the baby squirrel! It's a squirrel!

Butch: Okay, we have to take her to the zoo.

(June 30, 2011)

And I Need You Now

Molly:  *In a restaurant as we waited for our food.  Singing.  Loudly.*  It a quarter afta one.  I a little dwunk, and I need you now.

(July 5, 2011)

Mommy Has Your Boobie

Molly:  *To Charlotte, who was crying as we drove home.*  Shhhh.  It's ok, Baby Charlotte.  Mommy has your boobie.

(July 4, 2011)

In Your Mouth

Molly:  *After hearing me while I sang to Charlotte*  Sing "Twinkle Twinkle"!  Sing "Twinkle Twinkle" in your mouth!

(July 14, 2011)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Animal Sounds

Me:  What does a bunny say?
Molly:  Rawr

Me:  What does a monkey say?
Molly:  Monkey monkey.

(July 15, 2010)

I Got 'Tato

Butch: Want some chicken?
Molly: No chicken.
Butch: Are you sure?
Molly. No chicken. I got 'tato

(July 23, 2010)

Stop It

Molly:  *Upon being wakened from her nap by Poker's barking.*  Stop it, Poker!  Stop it!

(July 26, 2010)

Want Sick

Molly:  *Seeing the box of Cheez-Its I forgot to hide.*  Want cracker.
Me:  No, baby, you can't have these.  They make you sick.
Molly:  Want sick!  Want sick!

(Molly has Celiac disease and cannot have anything containing gluten.)

(July 26, 2010)

Baby Hungry

Molly:  *Comforting her baby doll.*  Awwww, come here. You ok? You ok?

(August 5, 2010)

Baby Hungry

Molly:  *Walking around the room, frantically looking for her toy baby bottle to feed her doll.*  Baby hungry!  Baby hungry!

(August 8, 2010)

Inside Voice

Molly:  *To Poker (the dog) as he's barking.*  Inside voice!

(August 20, 2010)


Molly:  *Shouting across the house for Butch to come help her with something.*  Honey! Hey Honey!

(August 24, 2010)

I Love You, Music

Molly:  *Watching the Cotton Carnival Parade webcast.*  I love you, music.  *Repeated every time a band comes on.*

(October 2, 2010)

Jus' Fawt

Me: Molly, are you poopy?
Molly: No, I jus' fawt.

(November 5, 2010)


Molly:  *Gives toy a little spank.  Puts it in time out.  Talks about what it did wrong.*  Say sorry.  There, all better.  *Takes toy out of time out.*

(November 8, 2010)

Sit down.

Molly:  *As the three of us (Butch, Me, Molly) started to leave the restaurant after dinner.*  No. Mommy sit down.

(November 19, 2010)


Molly:  *In response to the lighting of the Christmas tree.*  It's boooooootiful.  It's so boooooootiful.

(November 28, 2010)

Don't Worry

Me:  *Upon seeing that Molly had gotten a pen off my desk.*  Oh, Molly ...
Molly:  Mommy, don't worry.

(December 3, 2010)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Hole

Me:  Eeeeeeewwww, that's a big poopy.
Molly:  I have another poopy in my hole.

(July 20, 2011)

Thank You So Much

Me:  What do you say when someone tells you you're pretty?
Molly:  Thank you.
Me:  And what do you say when someone says your hair is pretty?
Molly:  Thank you.
Me:  And what do you say when someone tells you you're smart?
Molly:  Thank you so much!  Thank you SO MUCH!

(July 20, 2011)

Titty Bear

Molly: *Singing a song about her teddy bear.* My titty bear!

(December 17, 2010)

So Happy

Molly: *Singing and dancing* I so happy have a Christmas tree! I so happy have a Christmas tree!

(December 22, 2010)

Look at the Christmas!

Molly: *Upon seeing the wrapped presents under the Christmas tree.* Look at the Christmas! It's booooootiful!

(December 23, 2010)

It's a Turtle!

Molly: Draw Mickey Mouse!
Butch: *Draws.* Well, that's the crappiest Mickey Mouse I've ever drawn.
Molly: It's a turtle!

(January 6, 2011)

Daddy Change

Me: "Let's go change your poopy."
Molly: "Daddy change."

(January 8, 2011)


Butch: "You're a strange little girl."
Molly: "Thanks."

(January 17, 2011)


Molly: *In response to the quarterback handing off the ball in a football game on TV.* She's sharing!

(January 23, 2011)

Juice > Daddy

Molly: *Waking up the first morning of Butch's trip to Tan-Tar-a.* I want juice. *Pause.* I want Daddy.

(January 27, 2011)

Candle = Hot

Butch: That's a candle. Can you say "candle"?
Molly: Candle.
Butch: Good job. Now, candles are hot.
Molly: *Blows on candle, as if to cool it off.*

(February 9, 2011)

I Don't Think So

Me: "Molly, you are the coolest kid ever."
Molly: "No, I don't think so. I just singin'."

(February 10, 2011)


Molly: "No. I never go a potty."

(February 15, 2011)


Molly: *Talking to her baby doll.* Goddammit. Goddammit, baby.

(February 28, 2011)

Well Get Up

Molly: "You want cake, Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, I do want cake, Molly."
Molly: "Well ... get up, Mommy!"

(March 20, 2011)

Mommy Want Cake

Molly: "Mommy, you want cake?"
Me: "Yes, Baby, I'll get some cake in a minute."
Molly: "Daddy! Mommy want some cake! Daddy! Come here! Mommy want cake!"

(March 22, 2011)

Need Candy

Me: Molly, when are you going to start peeing on the potty?
Molly: I need candy.
Me: Are you saying you'll pee on the potty if we give you candy for it?
Molly: Yes. I want sucker.

(March 23, 2011)

Happy Birthday

Anyone: Happy birthday!
Molly: Happy birthday!!!!!

(March 24, 2011 -- Molly's 3rd birthday)

Sleepy = Silly

Me: Molly, are you sleepy?
Molly: Don't be silly, Mommy.

(March 30, 2011)

Never Listening

Me: Molly, get back from the TV.
Molly: No. I never listening!
Me: Well, that's the truest statement you've ever made, but it shouldn't be.
Molly: I don't want talking! Go away from me.

(April 2, 2011)


Molly: "Daddy, I want more somethin'."

(April 12, 2011)

Colorin' Book

Molly: Where my colorin' book?
Me: I don't know. Did you look on the table?
Molly: No. I never look on any table.
Me: Ok, well, I believe that. But maybe you should look on the table.
Molly: No. It's not on the table.
Me: But maybe you should try looking on the table bef--
Molly: Oh look! My colorin' book on the table!

(April 19, 2011)

Fun Lunch

Me: What'd you have for lunch?
Molly: Fun.

(April 26, 2011)

Sticky Toes

Molly: *Singing.* I put my fingers in the sticky toes! I put my fingers in the sticky toes!"

(May 6, 2011)

Diggin' the Dirt

Molly: *Pretending to shovel the carpet.* I diggin' the dirt.
Butch: Molly, it's naptime.
Molly: *Walking to the other side of the room.* I better keep diggin' the dirt first.

(May 7, 2011)

Just Molly

Me: Why don't you want to go on the potty? You're a big girl now.
Molly: No, I not a big girl. I just Molly.

(May 16, 2011)

KP > Ke$ha

Molly: *Singing "California Gurls" by Katy Perry.*
Me: *Sighing.* At least it's not Ke$ha.

(May 28, 2011)

A Little Light Reading

Butch: *At bedtime.* Ok, go pick out a book.
Molly: *Hands him the Oriental Trading catalog.*

(June 5, 2011)

A Big Mommy

Me: That's right. You tell Daddy he has to talk to Mommy.
Molly: Daddy, you have to talk to Mommy. You have to talk to him.
Me: Well, thank you. But actually, I'm a "her."
Molly: Oh. Yeah, you're a big girl! You're a big mommy!
Me: Yup. I'm a big mommy. Thanks.

(June 10, 2011)

Hey Guys

Molly: *Running up to a playground of total strangers.* Hey guys! Hey guys! I'm here! Hey guys! I'm here!

(June 16, 2011)


Molly: I want more popcorn!
Me: Go ask Daddy nicely.
Molly: *Running across the house to Butch.* Nicely! Nicely!

(June 17, 2011)

Tik Tok

Molly: *Singing "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha.*
Me: My life has hit a new low.

(June 21, 2011)

Yeah! Woo-hoo!

Molly: Yeah! Woo-hoo! Can't catch us! *times 1000*
Me: Molly, could you go play loudly in your room?
Molly: No! I wanna play at my table!
Me: Then can you play quietly at your table?
Molly: No! I just wanna play loud at my table!
Me: Well, Molly, sometimes Mommy and Daddy like quiet, and--
Molly: Yeah! Woo-hoo! Can't catch us!

(June 23, 2011)


Molly: What is it?
Butch: It's a crockpot.
Molly: Oh. It's a crackpot. Don't touch it, Daddy. It's a crackpot.

(June 23, 2011)

I Love Your Arm

Molly: *Hugs my arm spontaneously.*
Me: Aww, thank you. I love you.
Molly: I love your arm.

(June 24, 2011)

On the Way to the Zoo

Me: Do you want see monkeys?
Molly: Yes. Daddy want to see the cows.

(July 7, 2011)


Molly: *Jabbering on her toy phone.*
Me: Who you talkin' to?
Molly: Fireworks.

(July 10, 2011)

Breastfeeding in the Owens House

Molly: *Pretends to breastfeed her doll.*
Me: *When Molly finishes* And now it's time to burp the baby, right?
Molly: No. Now it time for she fart her booty.
Me: *Laughing, of course* Well, yes, that is how it works with Charlotte, isn't it?

(Jully 11, 2011)

Gettin' Dark

Molly: It's gettin' dark.
Me: It is gettin' dark. You know what that means?
Molly: It's Halloween! I wonder if we can get some candy.

(The correct answer was, "It's almost bedtime.")

(July 14, 2011)

Hold Your Horses

Butch: Before we do that, I'm gonna sweep first. So just hold your horses.
Molly: I hold my baby.
Butch: Fine. Hold that then.

(July 16, 2011)

Cookies vs. Dinner

Molly: I want more cookies.
Me: No, you don't need more cookies right now.
Molly: I neeeeeed more cookies.
Me: You do not need cookies. We'll talk about cookies if you eat your dinner.
Molly: I don't like dinner. I like cookies.

(July 17, 2011)